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BPXtra is Hungary’s first bilingual radio station providing underground music programs and talk programs in both English and Hungarian. Started as a concept between 2 radio fanatics, Murray Shinzan and Šimunić Bruno Zalan in 2024 with the idea of bringing underground music and talking points from all over the world to uncharted territory.

Involving the community and listeners to start their own program with some of the best radio equipment is our core value. Radio is all about creating a connection with listeners through informative and interactive programming. Fulfilling a niche market in Budapest brings people from all walks of life into our studio where they can openly and freely express themselves through any means of music or conversation. Our goal is to create a space where individuality and freedom of expression is key in creating a space where one is comfortable being themselves. Whilst mainstream radio tends to stick to a certain message or viewpoint, BPXtra belongs to the audience.

BPXtra is a non-profit project funded completely by the owner Shinzan Murray whose dream is to bring people's dreams into reality on the air. The building blocks of BPXtra include freedom of expression, embrace of sexual identity, and musical creativity. These values sadly absent from mainstream radio stations, but not from BPXtra.

At BPXtra, hate speech and any means of inciting violence are strictly prohibited to ensure a safe
environment for all persons involved and in-directly involved with our operations.

BPXtra by Murray Shinzan Bíró & Bruno Zalán Simunic is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

BPXtra TV by Murray Shinzan Bíró & Bruno Zalán Simunic is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0